Putting Something Back

The Happy Prawn Co. didn’t spring up overnight. We’ve been working with the Indonesian farming communities for many years, preparing for lift-off and making sure everything was right for everyone involved.

Spending so much time over there, we’ve developed a real affinity with the places, the people and even the local wildlife. So, we’ve chosen to support a number of local projects and organisations close to our heart.

Click on the stickers to find out more.

Mangrove Projects

Our commitment to ‘putting something back’ goes beyond support for local wildlife charities, it stretches over 100km up the Indonesian coastline!

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Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary

The Sumatran rhino is the most critically endangered specie of rhinoceros in the world. In recent decades, numbers declined by more than 50% and fewer than 200 individuals now survive in the wild.

Following a largely unsuccessful breeding program in the mid 1980s, the Way Kambas Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) was founded in 1995 to provide a natural environment and social structure in which the animals can thrive.

The Sanctuary does some exceptional work for these tremendous creatures, and we’re proud to be able to help by way of regular donations and visits.

The sanctuary is currently expanding its managed breeding program to include assisted reproductive technologies such as artificial insemination. Hopefully it won’t be long before numbers are once again on the rise.

Proudly supporting SRS since 2007


Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation

This beautiful Borneo Orangutan is under threat, with numbers falling each year. That’s largely due to the fact that the Orangutan’s natural habitat, the wild forests of Borneo, continue to be sacrificed for palm oil plantations and timber estates.

As well as suffering at the hands of man, the Borneo Orangutan is also at risk from natural disasters like forest fires.

We’re happy to say that their plight isn’t irredeemable though. The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF), an Indonesian non-profit organisation, is doing fantastic work towards the conservation of both the animal and its habitat.

It has been operating since 1991, and now has sister organisations in many countries throughout the world. Thanks to BOSF, many Orangutans have been saved, nurtured and released back into the wild.

It’s a cause we’re genuinely passionate about, and one we’re delighted to support in any small way we can.

Proudly supporting BOSF since 2007


Bali Sea Turtle Society

There are seven species of Sea Turtle in the world - and six are found in the waters of Indonesia.

They’re not just beautiful creatures, they also play a key role in the ocean food chain. It’s somewhat worrying, on many levels, that Sea Turtle numbers are on the decline.

They’re under threat from hunters and poachers (who sell the skin and shells to black-market craft industries), sea pollution, plastic waste in the ocean, and a depleted stock of the sea weeds on which they feed.

Thankfully, there’s some great work being done to protect the Sea Turtles and their natural habitats, and we’re really happy to play a small part in it, via donations to the Bali Sea Turtle Society (BSTS).

Proudly supporting BSTS since 2014

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